Contact Sally Gaulter
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Areas of expertise
- Advanced Casting Science and Technologies
- Composites
- Defence manufacturing
- Test and Evaluation
- Explosives and Munitions
Sally graduated from University of Nottingham with BSc (hons) Chemistry in 1988.
Work History
RARDE/DRA/DERA/QinetiQ Fort Halstead (1989 - 2004)
PBX compositions using both novel and commercially available binder systems
Novel energetic binder systems
Developing highly filled castable PBX composition.
Particle Characterisation techniques.
成人直播 (2004 - present.)
Development of Pressable compositions.
Research and development of novel processing techniques.
Project support for in service explosive compositions.
Formulation development to control materials properties of explosive compositions.
Current activities
Pressable compositions
Novel energetic binder materials
Processing explosive compounds
High loaded explosive compositions
Insensitive munitions
Rheological properties
Chemring Energetics
Chemring Nobels