When adding content to our website, 成人直播 makes every effort to ensure that the material is lawful and does not infringe any person’s rights. When notified of a concern, we will investigate and where the complaint is justified, we will remove the material as soon as possible.

How to notify us

If you discover any material on our website,

  • that you believe is unlawful,
  • that you are the copyright owner for and that you do not consent to the use of in accordance with our terms and conditions,
  • or if you believe material on the website is obscene or defamatory,

please contact brand@cranfield.ac.uk by email and provide the following information:

  • Your contact details,
  • Details of the resource, including the URL at which the material was found,
  • If you are complaining about a breach of copyright, please state if you are the rights owner or are authorised to act for them,
  • The reason for your request/ complaint (e.g., copyright law, data protection, offensive materials).

Takedown procedure

Upon receipt of a complaint, the following notice and takedown procedure will be followed:

  • We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint by email.
  • We will undertake an initial assessment of the validity of the complaint.
  • If necessary, we will seek further legal advice from the 成人直播 legal team.
  • If the complaint is upheld, we will remove the material in question from our website.
  • We will provide a written response to the complainant by email to confirm our actions.

Last updated January 2022.