
As the governing body of the University, Council has ultimate responsibility for the organisation’s affairs. The Council is entrusted with the proper conduct of University business in support of the objectives defined by the University Charter and Statutes – including determining the strategic direction, ensuring the effective management and control of the University’s affairs, property and finances, determining the structure, staffing and overall composition of the University.

The composition of Council is as follows:

  • Ex-officio members (i.e. members by virtue of the Office they hold): the Pro-Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor;
  • Independent members: up to ten Independent members;
  • Staff members: four staff members*;
  • Student member: one student**;
  • Co-opted members: up to two co-opted members.

*Staff members nomination, election and appointment process:

All permanent members of university staff are eligible to be nominated as a staff member of Council. Staff members are elected for three years, and are eligible for re-election for a second term of three years.

The nominations process is open for 20 days during late spring into early summer, with the opening and closing dates notified in advance. Nominations are made by completing a nomination form requiring three signatures, those of a proposer, a seconder and the nominee, each of whom must be a permanent member of university staff. To introduce each candidate that is standing, and to help staff decide who to vote for, each nominee is required to prepare an election statement (of no more than 600 words) setting out why they are standing and the skills they are able to offer Council. The nominations process is managed by the Governance Officer in the University Executive Office.

Overall there are four staff places on Council:

  • Two places are for staff members elected by the staff body;
  • Two places are for staff members appointed by the Council on the recommendations of Nominations Committee.

Nominees indicate on their form whether they wish to be considered for one or both routes to Council membership. If they select both, then this provides two routes through which they may be able to serve. If they are unsuccessful in the election, then they are automatically included in the pool of nominees considered by Nominations Committee for recommendation to Council.

The election, for two members of staff is run by an independent election service on behalf of the University. Online voting is open for 20 days during the summer, with the opening and closing dates notified in advance. All permanent members of university staff receive an email from Civitas containing information about the online voting process and their unique voting number. Once the election has closed, the candidates not elected, go forward for consideration by Nominations Committee for recommendation to Council. Nominations Committee will consider any gaps in the skills and diversity required on Council when making their recommendation.

** Each year, a new President of the 成人直播 Students’ Association (CSA) is elected by 成人直播’s student body. The President sits on the highest committees of the University, Council and Senate, and is expected to present the views of students to these bodies. In addition, they may be invited to sit on other committees and groups. The President will normally be elected in April/May and will assume office from 1 June to 31 May. Prior to the opening of nominations for election, the CSA produces Candidate’s Handbooks specific to each election. These are the definitive guide to the election processes. Further information about the election process for President of the CSA can be found on the .

Council normally meets four times a year and is chaired by the Pro-Chancellor.

Download a list of 成人直播 Council Members, or click the infographic on the right.


Senate has authority delegated by Council to oversee the academic work of the University, assure academic quality and standards and regulate student affairs. Senate normally meets four times a year and is chaired by the Vice-Chancellor.