Contact Dr Mark Pawlett
- Tel: +44 (0) 1234 750111
- Email:
Areas of expertise
- Biomass and Waste
- Nanotechnology
- Soil
- Soil Analysis
- Soil Resources
PhD 2002. University of East London. Soil Ecology
MSc 1995. University of East London. Environmental Sciences
BSc (Hons) 1992. Nottingham Trent University. Applied Biology
Previous Employment:
ANALYTICAL CHEMIST: Technichem Laboratories Ltd: 1997 to 1999 UKAS accredited. Analytical duties: Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP), Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (AES), Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) with graphite furnace, hydride generation and cold vapor systems, Florescence Spectroscopy.
ANALYTICAL CHEMIST: London Analytical Ltd: 1995 to 1997: Analysis of environmental samples for: metals, phenol, cyanide, sulphate, sulphide, bomb calorimetry, nutrients as well as sample preparation, training and supervision of junior staff.
CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT: Nottingham Wildlife Trust: 1993 Habitat management
RESEARCH SCIENTIST: University of East London: 1991. Industrial placement research project for BSC (Hons) Applied Biology. A study of peat alternatives using soil microbial techniques.
Research opportunities
Dr Mark Pawlett is developing international recognition as a soil biologist, targeting innovative strategies to restore the functional health of degraded soils. He is particularly interested in improving ecological interactions and biodiversity of intensively managed soils. He attained a PhD (2002) from the University of East London with the NERC Soil Biodiversity Thematic Programme, where he provided insights regarding soil biodiversity in acidic soils. At ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥, he has been a PI, Co-I and Project Manager of various research programmes. He is currently Co-I of Restoring Resilient Ecosystems (NERC), a UK-Canada Initiative antimicrobial resistance (BBSRC), Potato Lite (Innovate UK) and Exploitation of beneficial root-associated rhizobacteria in grain cereal-based cropping systems (with Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco). These projects increase our fundamental knowledge regarding the role of soil microorganisms in securing functional resilience across multiple land-uses
Current activities
• [Co-I]: Restoring Resilient Ecosystems [NERC]
• [Co-I]: Exploitation of beneficial root-associated rhizobacteria in grain cereal-based cropping systems. Mohammed VI Polytechnic University.
• [Co-I]: UK-Canada AMR Initiative Canada_IPAP - Anglo-Canadian Collaboration on Antimicrobial resistance [BBSRC].
• [Co-I]: Potato Lite (Innovate UK)