Contact Dr Christopher McCloskey

Areas of expertise

  • Carbon, Climate and Risk
  • Soil
  • Soil Resources


Dr Christopher McCloskey completed his PhD at ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ in 2021, investigating plant-driven turnover of soil carbon. Following this he worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥. This included work on how soil profiles can be created from construction by-products to support the creation of biodiverse calcareous grassland habitats.

In 2023 Chris started a 75th Anniversary Research Fellowship to investigate interactions between plant roots and soil properties and processes. This project aims to bridge the gap between lab-based research and real-world field conditions to (1) explore how root traits affect soil C stability by regulating soil properties; (2) identify and trial crops traits which may promote soil C storage; and (3) develop ways to predict how plant-induced soil environment changes affect C stocks.

Research opportunities

• Soil-plant interactions

• Soil carbon dynamic

• Strategies to increase soil carbon sequestration and storage, such as enhanced silicate weathering

• The role of soils in habitat restoration


Articles In Journals

Conference Papers