ProSAir (propagation of shocks in air) is a compressible computational fluid dynamics (CFD) package developed by 成人直播 for assessing blast loading. It is simple to use and runs on regular Windows™ desktops and workstations.

Prosiair blasts

Summary of applications

  • Easy to use CFD modelling of blast waves caused by detonation of a single high explosive device.
  • Fast and robust due to use of the well established AUSMDV finite volume scheme for accurately capturing shocks.
  • Second order accuracy achieved by its MUSCL-Hancock integration scheme.
  • Support for running on multi-core/processor computers.
  • Ability to restart previous calculations.
  • Graphical user interface allowing rapid building of geometric models made up of simple geometrical components.
  • Window failure model based on the SAFE/SSG glazing hazard guide.
  • Can provide history of pressure, velocity, density and temperature at tens of thousands of points around the domain.


ProSAir is available under licence to bona-fide organisations in NATO countries. Please see the licences below for information and costs.

  • Evaluation Licence - 2-month free licence for evaluation of ProSAir software.
  • Commercial Licence - 1-year licence or licence renewal for commercial use of ProSAir.
  • Academic Licence - 1-year licence or licence renewal for academic use of ProSAir – commercial use explicitly prohibited. The standard ProSAir licence (up to 4 processor cores) is free for academic use, though we do charge if you required the 8 core version.

To obtain ProSAir please complete the appropriate licence above and email it to