The environmental analytical facility (EAF) at 成人直播 is utilised by research staff across the University (including environment, agrifood, water, energy and power) for chemical, biological and materials analysis. It provides students and staff with first-class teaching and flexible research facilities, offering a variety of analyses on a confidential and contract basis to a broad partner and client base.

Established in 2011, the EAF underwent a significant refurbishment programme in 2015 to consolidate the analytical activities of water, environment, agrifood and energy.

The facility has a dedicated team of technicians, and houses the following techniques:

  • Gas and liquid chromatography, including particle characterisation;
  • Metals analysis by ICP-MS and AAS;
  • Wastewater analysis and water treatment technologies;
  • Soil analysis, including selected soil physical techniques;
  • Microbiology and mycology;
  • Plant molecular biology;
  • Post harvest analytical techniques;
  • Environmental chemistry;
  • Membrane sciences;
  • Volatiles evaluation including SIFT-MS;
  • Algae growth and harvesting;
  • Small scale anaerobic digestion;
  • Complete gas handling system;
  • UPLC-Mass QToF, SCIEX Selexion LCMSMS and Shmadzu GCMSMS.

External partners and businesses can utilise the EAF analytical services.

  • A service providing bespoke analysis of environmental samples.
  • Ideal for small numbers or occasional samples.
  • Analysis carried out by experienced technical staff.
  • Competitively priced.
  • Access to our academics expertise.

Our clients

The EAF's analytical services has a growing list of clients, including:

  • Anglian Water,
  • Charles River Laboratories,
  • Severn Trent,
  • It's Fresh,
  • Unilever.

Our technicians can assist you with your analysis, advise which analysis is suitable to fulfil individual needs, and ensure your requirements are met on time and within budget.

Our people

Photo Name and contact details Main responsibilities and specialisms
Jane Hubble Mrs Jane Hubble BSc (Hons), MSc, MRSC
Laboratory Manager
01234 750111 ext. 3337
Microbiology, Chemistry, Health
Safety & Environment
Broad experience in analysis
of environmental samples
Richard Andrews Mr Richard Andrews
Senior Technical Officer – Research, & Deputy Lab Manager
01234 750111 ext. 5682
Development of Quality Assurance Systems
AAS and ICP-MS, Soil Physics
Broad experience in analysis of environmental samples
Radioactive sources and emitters
Adrienne Sharp Mrs Adrienne Sharp
Specialist Technical Administrator
01234 750111 ext. 8159
Safety Inductions
Risk and COSHH Assessment record keeping
Service Contracts/Instrument breakdowns
Recovery of consumables funds
Sensory Science and Trade Mark law
Maria Biskupska Mrs Maria Biskupska MSc, MIScT
Senior Technical Officer – Education
01234 750111 ext. 5683
Organising and delivering MSc and short course practicals
Development of improved systems for
MSc group and individual projects
Broad experience in the analysis of soil and water samples
Paul Barton Dr Paul Barton BSc, MSc, MRSC
Senior Technical Officer
01234 750111 ext. 5731
Liquid Chromatography and Particle Characterisation
Fats, oil and grease
Particle Characterisation
Broad experience in the analysis of soil, water and food samples
Dawn Fowler Mrs Dawn Fowler BSc, MRes, MRSB
Senior Technical Officer – Gas Chromatography Specialist
01234 750111 ext. 5733
Gas Chromatography
Volatile analysis for a range of sample types
specialising in thermal desorption
Alan Nelson Mr Alan Nelson
Senior Technical Officer – Environmental Ecology
01234 750111 ext. 3302
Bio-aerosols, Ecology and Biodiversity
Toolmaker and precision engineer
Nigel James Mr Nigel Janes
Senior Technical Officer – Water Engineering
01234 750111 ext. 3346
Irrigation and boreholes
Construction and operation of pilot scale rigs
Dave Sharp Mr Dave Sharp BSc
Senior Technician
01234 750111 ext. 5734
Freeze Drying
Food processing and innovation
Nuannat Simmons Mrs Nuannat Simmons BSc, MSc
Science Technician
01234 750111 ext. 5562
Soil and water chemistry
Heavy metals
Mrs Monika Jodkowska MSc
Science Technician
01234 750111 ext 5730
Liquid chromatography
Wet chemistry techniques
Food analysis
Tammy Cowley Miss Tammy Cowley
Apprentice Science Technician
01234 750111 ext 5732
Technical Support