Background of Manufacturing 2075

The challenges faced by manufacturing research, education and skills requirements - and our knowledge capability base in 2075 - will be influenced and informed by a number of factors. These include organic and disruptive technologies and systems, new materials, changes in our lifestyles and values, and global political and societal developments. To be suitably prepared, we need to imagine the future to plan the present.

A global forum to discuss very long-term manufacturing challenges (i.e. Manufacturing Futures) for the UK and other countries is essential for prosperity and sustainability. Our collective views on Manufacturing Futures will shape our research direction in the short and long term, help us better understand our user requirements and drivers, ensure tailored and timely practical solutions, and support innovation in new education models.

As a worldwide community, we need to look beyond the here and now and identify the likely research challenges of the far future. This will enable us to anticipate the requirements of societal and industrial users and ensure we are in a position to provide timely, relevant and credible technologies and advice, guidance, education, knowledge products and practical solutions.

Past events

Manufacturing 2075 - 2019

Theme: Sustainable Manufacturing and Circular Economy


 Professor Richard Herrington - Head of Earth Sciences Department, Natural History Museum

Professor Fiona Charnley - Associate Professor of Circular Economy, University of Exeter

Dr Andy Clifton - Global Sustainability Manager, Rolls-Royce

Dr Evi Petavratzi - Senior Mineral Commodity Geologist, British Geological Survey

Professor Steven Yearley - Professor of the Scoiology of Scientific Knowledge, University of Edinburgh

Cynthia Adu - Sustainability Consultant, Carbon Smart


Cynthia Adu - Designing a circular business model from paper mill industrial by-products

Professor Steven Yearley - Making policies and incentives for the circular economy socially robust

Manufacturing 2075 - 2018

Theme: Digital Engineering

Download the 2018 Manufacturing 2075 leaflet


Professor Mark Girolami - Chair of Statistics, Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London & Programme Director, Alan Turing Institute

Brian Holliday - Managing Director for Siemens Digital Factory

Professor Robert Young - Director of the Lancaster Quantum Technology Centre

Professor Dale Russell - Visiting Professor, School of Design, Innovation Design Engineering, Royal College of Art

Didier Dumur - Professor, Head of Control Department, CentraleSupélec; 2018-2019 President of CIRP (International Academy for Production Engineering)

Professor Sarah Sharples - Pro-VC, University of Nottingham

Nick Wright - Digital Manufacturing Sector Lead, Digital Catapult

Professor Paul Theron - Atkins-³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ Professor of Cyber-Secure Engineering Systems and Processes, Head of the Manufacturing Informatics research centre, ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥


Brian Holliday - It's time for an industrial revolution of your own...

Didier Dumur - Some future challenges for digital manufacturing

Nick Wright - Rethinking the role of digital in manufacturing

Paul Theron - Humans out of the loop: cyber defence in 2075

Manufacturing 2075 - 2017

Theme: Materials Future

Download the 2017 Manufacturing 2075 leaflet

Download the 2017 Manufacturing 2075 report


Professor Helen Atkinson CBE - Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Head of School of Aerospace, Transport Systems and Manufacturing, ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥

Dr Advenit Makaya - Advanced Manufacturing Engineer, European Space Agency

Professor Philip Withers - Regius Professor of Materials, University of Manchester

Professor Sam Turner - CTO, HVM Catapult

Mr Benoit Gauthier - Airbus

Professor David Wallis - University of Cardiff and Cambridge

Mr Balaji Srimoolanathan - Strategy Manager, Aerospace Technology Institute

Dr Giuseppe Dell’Anno - Chief Engineer, National Composites Centre


Professor Helen Atkinson - Advanced materials processing: into the future

Dr Advenit Makaya - ALM and advanced manufacturing: our future in space and on Earth

Professor Philip Withers - Keeping an eye on advanced materials

Professor Sam Turner -  The changing face of UK manufacturing


Mr Benoit Gauthier - The good carbon

Mr Balaji Srimoolanathan - The ATI’s through-life engineering technology strategy for UK aerospace

Dr Giuseppe Dell'Anno - Future-proofing UK composite manufacturing

Manufacturing 2075 - 2016

Theme: Manufacturing on the Moon

Download the 2016 Manufacturing 2075 leaflet

Download the 2016 Manufacturing 2075 report


Professor Rajkumar Roy - Director of Manufacturing, ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥

Professor Akihisa Inoue - Director of the International Institute for Green Materials, Josai University, Japan

Dr Bernard H Foing - Executive Director ILEWG, ESA ESTEC, the Netherlands

Professor Steve Evans - Institute for Manufacturing, Cambridge University

Dr David Wallis - Plessey Plc

Mr Peter Marsh - Ex FT Manufacturing Editor

Ms Katie Daniel - Theme Lead, Manufacturing the Future, EPSRC

Dr Phill Cartwright - Chief Technical Officer, HVM Catapult



Developing evolvable products for adaptation


Peter Marsh - Global manufacturing: the next 100 years

Bernard Foing & Jan Wörner - Moon Village

Steve Evans - Manufacturing and industrial evolution - the future

Katie Daniel - Future manufacturing research

Phill Cartwright - The future of manufacturing technologies