The aerospace industry in the UK is the largest in the world, outside of the USA. Aerodynamics and flight dynamics will remain a key element in the development of future aircraft and in reducing civil transport environmental issues, making significant contributions to the next generation of aircraft configurations.

This course provides both fundamental and applied knowledge to understand airflows, vehicle dynamics and control and methods for computational modelling. It will provide you with practical experience in the measurement, analysis, modelling and simulation of airflows and aerial vehicles.


  • Start dateOctober
  • DurationMSc: Full-time - one year; Part-time - up to three years; PgCert: Full-time - up to one year; Part-time - two years
  • DeliveryTaught modules 50%, individual project 50%
  • QualificationMSc, PgCert
  • ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ typeFull-time / Part-time
  • Campus³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ campus

Who is it for?

Suitable if you have an interest in aerodynamic design, flow control, flow measurement, flight dynamics and flight control. Choose your specialist option from the following once you commence your studies:

  • Flight Dynamics option: if you want to develop a career in flight physics and aircraft stability and control, more specifically in the fields of flight control system design, flight simulation and flight testing;
  • Aerodynamics option: if you want to develop a career in flight physics and specifically in the fields of flow simulation, flow measurement and flow control.

Why this course?

The aerospace industry in the UK is the largest in the world, outside of the USA. Aerodynamics and flight dynamics will remain a key element in the development of future aircraft and in reducing civil transport environmental issues, making significant contributions to the next generation of aircraft configurations.

In the military arena, aerodynamic modelling and flight dynamics play an important role in the design and development of combat aircraft and unmanned air vehicles (UAVs). The continuing search for aerodynamic refinement and performance optimisation for the next generation of aircraft and surface vehicles creates the need for specialist knowledge of fluid flow behaviour.

³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ has been at the forefront of postgraduate education in aerospace engineering since 1946. The MSc in Aerospace Dynamics stems from the programme in Aerodynamics which was one of the first master's courses offered by ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ and is an important part of our heritage. The integration of aerodynamics with flight dynamics reflects the long-term link with the aircraft flight test activity established by ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥. 

You will have the opportunity to fly during a Student Experience Flight in our National Flying Laboratory Centre’s (NFLC) light aircraft. This flight experience will complement your MSc studies, focussing on the effects of controls, aircraft stability and angle of attack. During the flight you will have the opportunity to take control of the aircraft. Each experience is 2 to 3 hours in duration and includes a pre-flight safety briefing outlining the details of the manoeuvres to be flown, a flight of approximately 1 hour, and a post-flight debrief. Read detailing his flight experience.

Graduates of this course are eligible to join the ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ College of Aeronautics Alumni Association (CCAAA), an active community which holds a number of networking and social events throughout the year.

Informed by industry

The Industrial Advisory Panel, comprising senior industry professionals, provides input into the curriculum in order to improve the employment prospects of our graduates. Panel members include:

  • Adrian Gaylord, Jaguar Land Rover (JLR),
  • Trevor Birch, Defence, Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl),
  • Chris Fielding, BAE Systems,
  • Anastassios Kokkalis, Voith,
  • Stephen Rolson, European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS),
  • Clyde Warsop, BAE Systems.

Course details

This course consists of optional taught modules, an individual research project and a group flight test project.

The group flight test project consists of two compulsory modules that offer an initial introduction to aerospace dynamics and provide grounding for the group flight test. Choice is a key feature of this course, with specialist options in either aerodynamics or flight dynamics. Choose your option once you have commenced your studies.

Course delivery

Taught modules 50%, individual project 50%

Individual project

The individual research project allows you to delve deeper into an area of specific interest. It is very common for industrial partners to put forward real world problems or areas of development as potential research project topics. The project is carried out under the guidance of an academic staff member who acts as your supervisor. The individual research project component takes place between April and August.

If agreed with the Course Director, part-time students have the opportunity to undertake projects in collaboration with their place of work, which would be supported by academic supervision.

Previous individual research projects have covered:

Aerodynamics option

  • Spiked body instabilities at supersonic speeds;
  • Aerodynamic loads on a race car wing in a vortex wake;
  • Lateral/directional stability of a tailless aircraft;
  • Aerodynamic drag penalties due to runback ice;
  • Automotive flow control using fluidic sheets;
  • Aerodynamic design and optimisation of a blended wing body aircraft.

Flight Dynamics option

  • Flight dynamic modelling of large amplitude rotorcraft dynamics;
  • Decision making for autonomous flight in icing conditions;
  • Comparative assessment of trajectory planning methods for UAVs;
  • Machine vision and scientific imaging for autonomous rotorcraft;
  • Linear parameter varying control of a quadrotor vehicle;
  • Gust load alleviation system for large flexible civil transport.


Keeping our courses up-to-date and current requires constant innovation and change. The modules we offer reflect the needs of business and industry and the research interests of our staff and, as a result, may change or be withdrawn due to research developments, legislation changes or for a variety of other reasons. Changes may also be designed to improve the student learning experience or to respond to feedback from students, external examiners, accreditation bodies and industrial advisory panels.

To give you a taster, we have listed the compulsory and elective (where applicable) modules which are currently affiliated with this course. All modules are indicative only, and may be subject to change for your year of entry.

Course modules

Compulsory modules
All the modules in the following list need to be taken as part of this course.

Introduction to Aircraft Aerodynamics

Module Leader
  • Professor Simon Prince
    To give you a basic knowledge of aerodynamic principles and familiarity with the fundamental characteristics of fluid flow around aircraft.
    • Fluid Properties and Basic Flow Equations,
    • Dimensional Analysis and Aerodynamic force,
    • Viscosity the Boundary Layer and Skin Friction,
    • Vortex Flow and Aerofoil Circulation,
    • Finite Low Speed Wings,
    • Aerofoil and Wing High Lift Devices,
    • The aerodynamic characteristics of flying controls,
    • Supersonic Flow Characteristics,
    • Supersonic aerofoil sections,
    • Finite Supersonic Wings,
    • Transonic Flow Characteristics,
    • Preliminary training in MATLAB.
Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  • Summarise the principles of incompressible flows including vortices and viscous effects, boundary layers and basic wing and aerofoil section characteristics,
  • Describe the implications of compressibility effects; shock waves, supersonic and transonic flow,
  • Understand the use of basic low speed and high speed wind tunnel facilities,
  • Relate the flow science to its application to aircraft design.

Flight Experimental Methods

Module Leader
  • Dr Simon Place

    The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to the performance, stability and control characteristics of a conventional aircraft.

    • Air data systems, Standard atmosphere and pressure error measurement,
    • Basic aircraft aerodynamics: lift and drag,
    • Cruise and climb performance,
    • Static equilibrium and trim,
    • Longitudinal static stability, trim, pitching moment equation, static margins and manoeuvre margins,
    • Lateral-directional trim and static stability,
    • Introduction to dynamic stability and modal analysis,
    • Certification specification requirements and compliance assessment,
    • Elements of aircraft sustainability.
Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  • Describe the concepts of equilibrium, trim, static, manoeuvre and dynamic stability,
  • Evaluate the cruise and climb performance and the aerodynamic and stability characteristics of a conventional aircraft,
  • Apply the principles of flight test analysis, assessment and sustainability in aviation,
  • Compile and present a technical report in written and verbal form,
  • Work effectively in a group environment.

Elective modules
Eight of the modules from the following list need to be taken as part of this course.

Modelling of Dynamic Systems

Module Leader
  • Professor James Whidborne

    To provide an understanding of the mathematical techniques that underpin both classical and modern control law design.

    • The Laplace transform,
    • Transfer-function approach to modelling dynamic systems,
    • State-space approach to modelling dynamic systems,
    • Time-domain analysis of simple dynamic systems,
    • Frequency response of simple dynamic systems,
    • Sampled-data and discrete time systems.

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  • Use Laplace transform techniques to derive transfer functions of typical mechanical, electrical and fluid systems,
  • Calculate and plot the step and frequency responses of linear systems,
  • Derive the state equations for typical systems,
  • Obtain discrete time representations of linear systems,
  • Use MATLAB for matrix and systems algebra and to plot system responses.

Compressible Flows

Module Leader
  • Professor Simon Prince

    To provide a knowledge of the physics of compressible flows and the theoretical methods for your calculation.

    • Thermodynamics and Equations of Motion: Governing equations, introduction to thermodynamics, temperature, energy, entropy. Concept of adiabatic, reversible and isentropic flows, steady flow equations, nozzle choking and convergent/divergent nozzles,
    • Shock waves: Shock tube problems, Normal shock relations, oblique shock relations, Prandtl-Meyer deflection, shock wave interactions and reflections,
    • Characteristic relations: Characteristic relations of the governing equations and their physical interpretation, one dimensional results,
    • Hypersonic Flow: Introduction to the main features of hypersonic flow,
    • CFD for Compressible Flows: One dimensional linear advection equations, Godunov method, higher order methods.

Intended learning outcomes

On completion of this module you will be able to:

  • Understand the fundamental phenomena associated with compressible flows,
  • Competently apply analytical theory to compressible flow problems,
  • Understand the fundamentals of CFD methods for compressible flows.

Viscous Flow

Module Leader
  • Professor Simon Prince

    To provide you with a detailed understanding of basic equations and mathematical modelling techniques used in boundary layer flows including the basic methods used for their modelling and prediction.


    Basic Concepts:

    • The Navier-Stokes Equation,
    • Equation of Continuity: Viscous Stresses - shear and normal,
    • The viscous flow energy equation,
    • Similarity parameters,
    • The 2D boundary layer equations - continuity, x and y momentum and energy,
    • Incompressible laminar flow on a smooth flat plate,
    • Blasius solution,
    • Displacement thickness,
    • The effective body concept,
    • Influence of displacement thickness on lift,
    • Skin friction on a thin flat plate,
    • Boundary layer separation. Separation prediction,
    • Characteristics of compressible 2D boundary layers.


    Characteristics of turbulent flow:

    • Fundamental concepts relating to turbulent flows,
    • Turbulent kinetic energy,
    • Turbulence modelling,
    • Eddy viscosity,
    • Mixing length hypothesis,
    • Structure of the turbulent boundary layer,
    • Law of the wall,
    • Approximate formula for zero pressure gradient turbulent boundary layers,
    • Separation prediction,
    • Aerofoil profile drag.


    Boundary layer transition:

    • The transition process. Factors effecting transition. Laminar flow aerofoils,
    • Boundary layer control.

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  • Apply knowledge of the structure within a boundary layer to flow related problems,
  • Explain current turbulence models and how they may be applied,
  • Interpret and calculate characteristics of the atmospheric boundary layer and apply the data to wind engineering problems.

Control Systems

Module Leader
  • Professor James Whidborne

    To provide knowledge of the fundamentals of control engineering for the analysis and design of control systems in aerospace applications.

    • Feedback control system characteristics,
    • Control system performance,
    • Stability of Linear Feedback Systems,
    • Root locus method,
    • Frequency response method,
    • Nyquist stability,
    • Classical controller design,
    • State variable controller design,
    • Robust control.
Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module a you should be able to:

  • Analyse and explain the stability, characteristics, behaviour and robustness of single input/ single-output feedback control systems,
  • Design controllers for single-input single-output systems,
  • Use modern PC-based CAD software to solve control engineering problems and design control systems using classical methods,
  • Recognise and explain the advantages and limitations of feedback and recognise the importance of robustness.

Introduction to CFD

Module Leader
  • Dr Davide Di Pasquale

    ​To understand the key features of CFD methods used for simulating external flows for engineering applications.

    • CFD methods used in industry,
    • The hierarchy of governing equations,
    • Mesh generation techniques,
    • Solution strategies.

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  • Critically understand and able to analyse the processes required to implement aerodynamic problems using Computational Fluid Dynamics,
  • Demonstrate the ability to design and implement a suitable CFD model for external flow simulation,
  • Critically evaluate the limitations of these methods,
  • Critically analyse the CFD data.

Flight Dynamics Principles

Module Leader
  • Dr Mushfiqul Alam

    To describe and demonstrate methods for the analysis of the linear dynamics, stability and control of aircraft and their interpretation in the context of an aircraft in flight. 

    • The Equations of Motion,
    • Development of the linearised equations for longitudinal symmetric motion and lateral directional asymmetric motion. Solution of the equations of motion:- aircraft response transfer functions and state space models. Aerodynamic modelling:- Aerodynamic stability and control derivatives, derivative estimation, modelling limitations. Stability: interpretation on the s-plane,
    • Flight Dynamics,
    • Aircraft dynamics:- Stability modes, longitudinal dynamics, lateral-directional dynamics, reduced order models, time response. Flying and handling qualities:- Assessment, requirements, aircraft role, pilot opinion rating, flying qualities requirements on the s-plane,
    • Flight control:- Introduction to stability augmentation, closed loop system analysis, the root locus plot, longitudinal stability augmentation, lateral-directional stability augmentation.

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  • Derive and solve the small perturbation equations of motion for a conventional aircraft,
  • Assess the flying qualities of an aeroplane,
  • Recommend and design simple stability augmentation system strategies to rectify flying qualities deficiencies.

Air-Vehicle Modelling and Simulation

Module Leader
  • Dr Linghai Lu
    ​Mathematical modelling and simulation of modern air-vehicles is a complex activity which requires a wide range of technical skills to be applied using a multi-disciplinary approach. The aims of this course are to provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to model, simulate and then critically analyse the resultant non-linear motion of modern air vehicles using advanced design and analysis software tools.
    • Introduction to mathematical modelling and simulation; systems of non-linear ODEs; equilibrium, linearisation and stability; numerical & computational tools,
    • Model building; model testing, validation and management; trimming and numerical linearisation.
Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  • Recognise, implement and apply selected numerical integration routines for model simulation using modern software tools,
  • Describe air-vehicle dynamics as a set of ordinary differential equations,
  • Define and implement example air-vehicles in terms of their aerodynamic, control, mass and inertia characteristics. Evaluate and critically compare the resultant motion,
  • Identify the requirements for model testing, verification and validation, and demonstrate their application to an air-vehicle model,
  • Define mathematical trim conditions, how they relate specifically to air-vehicles and validate an air vehicle using trim data generated for a range of flight conditions and vehicle configurations,
  • Define mathematical linearisation, how it relates specifically to air-vehicles and validate a non-linear air-vehicle model using the linear model equivalents generated at a range of flight conditions.

Launch and Re-Entry Aerodynamics

Module Leader
  • Professor Simon Prince
    To give you a background in physical science or general engineering an appreciation of the principal aerodynamic factors affecting the design of spacecraft and launch vehicles.
    The course describes the thermal and dynamic loads experienced by launch and re-entry vehicles.

    The course will cover:

    • The fundamentals of flight at high Mach number within the earth atmosphere,
    • The design and flow characteristics of hypersonic vehicles,
    • Boundary layers, heat transfer and thermal protection,
    • Equations of motion for planetary re-entry,
    • Ballistic entry and high angles of descent lifting entry,
    • Introduction to shock-wave boundary layer interactions and shock-shock interaction,
    • Real gas effects and radiation,
    • Higher order computational methods for hypersonic flows.
Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  • Apply hypersonic aerodynamics theory to the analysis of canonical hypersonic flows during high Mach number flight,
  • Identify principal aerodynamic design issues for the launch and descent / re-entry phases of a space mission,
  • Calculate thermal and dynamic loads experienced by a vehicle during launch and re- entry.

Transonic Aerodynamic Design

Module Leader
  • Dr Davide Di Pasquale

    ​The aim of this module is to give you an appreciation of the factors influencing supercritical flow development and the interaction with other aerofoil / wing design features. The aim is also to provide you with knowledge of industrial aircraft design practice / process and project management along with some practical experience.

    • Aerofoil design aims and methodology, highlighting the influence of such factors as Mach number, lift coefficient, thickness/chord and thickness form, and the limits provided by viscous effects and Reynolds number,
    • 3D wing design, covering the role of sweep, taper, wing twist and dihedral, and the impact on wing aerodynamics of propulsion integration, fuselage interference and high lift (take-off and landing) requirements,
    • Main features of the subcritical and supercritical CFD methods and how they are used as graphical interactive design tools. Particular importance is attached to interpretation of the results of the CFD calculation and how closely these relate to what would occur in the true aerofoil flow,
    • The conceptual aircraft design process and project management practice.
Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  • Describe the influence of factors effecting super critical aerofoil performance and apply this to knowledge to determine a design methodology,
  • Understand the factors involved in the design of efficient transonic wings in the context of overall aircraft design and the other allied disciplines,
  • Use rapid CFD methods to carry out supercritical wing design and evaluate results against performance criteria, including an appreciation of aircraft certification rules,
  • Assess the limitations of CFD methods for prediction of aerofoil flow characteristics,
  • Appreciate the process and management of conceptual aircraft design in industry, including the role of periodic design reviews and “gateway” decision points.

Technology for Sustainable Aviation

Module Leader
  • Dr Anderson Ramos Proenca

    The aim of this module is to provide knowledge of the current technology issues in relation to reducing the impact of aviation of the environment.

    • General overview of the impact of aviation on the environment, historical trends, current status, aviation profile and technology and cost metrics,
    • Current research focus and environmental targets,
    • Propulsion systems: engine cycles; fuel burn; internal aerodynamics, open rotors,
    • Airframe and aircraft configurations: Range equation; maximising L/D; profile drag; current aerodynamic flow control priorities including NLFC; HLFC,
    • Overview of noise related technology drivers. Local air quality implications,
    • Aircraft operations: multi-stage long-haul, ATC. Contrails,
    • Aircraft noise and CO2 certification requirement for novel aircraft,
    • Design and carry out acoustic measurements in the Applied Aerodynamics Lab.
Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  • Have a basic knowledge of the performance characteristics of commercial aircraft in relation to environmental impact and the environmental impact of commercial aviation relative to that of other sectors,
  • Understand the relative impact of key engineering design and operational aspects of commercial aircraft on the environment,
  • Assess the relative importance of technological changes in terms of commercial aircraft design,
  • Use low-order analytical/numerical tools, and propose empirical investigations to mitigate aircraft noise,
  • Understand how noise and emissions can be incorporated into the conceptual design stage of an air vehicle.


Flying Qualities and Flight Control

Module Leader
  • Dr Mushfiqul Alam

    The aims of this module are to:

    • Describe the essential features of typical command and stability augmentation systems,
    • Introduce contemporary handling qualities criteria and to show how they constrain flight control system design,
    • Demonstrate handling qualities design procedures.
    • Flight control system architecture; Multiple redundant systems; Aircraft models; Aircraft state equations; Relaxed longitudinal static stability; Control system properties; Control law design,
    • Autostabiliser design using state feedback; Design of a rate command attitude hold command and stability augmentation system; Lateral-directional autostabiliser design,
    • Introduction to aircraft handling qualities; Control anticipation parameter; High order systems; The C* criterion; The Neal and Smith criterion; The Gibson criteria; Analysis of the Gibson dropback criterion; Law order equivalent systems; The bandwidth criterion.

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  • Use basic tools for flight control system analysis and design,
  • Understand the conflict between flight control system architecture design for safety with functional design for control,
  • Appreciate the design constraints on command and stability augmentation systems for the provision of acceptable flying qualities,
  • Analyse and design typical command and stability augmentation systems,
  • Interpret flying and handling qualities criteria in order to determine flight control system design constraints.

CFD for Aerospace

Module Leader
  • Dr Davide Di Pasquale

    To introduce you to the:

    • Foundations of computational fluid dynamics and the mathematical properties of the governing equations,
    • Basics of numerical analysis and numerical methods for partial differential and algebraic equations,
    • Concepts of grid generation,
    • CFD methods used for computing incompressible and compressible flows,
    • Concepts of High Performance Computing.

    • Introduction to computational fluid dynamics and turbulence modelling,
    • Introduction to numerical analysis,
    • Numerical Integration, Numerical derivation, Discretization using finite difference methods and stability, Error Analysis,
    • Geometry modelling and surface grids,
    • Algebraic mesh generation,
    • Overview of various numerical methods for compressible and incompressible flows,
    • Validation and Verification for CFD,
    • Mathematical properties of hyperbolic systems.
Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  • Understand and appreciate advanced physical modelling and numerical methods as typically employed by commercial CFD codes,
  • Critically appreciate the design process for complex mesh generation applicable to aerospace sector,
  • Critically appreciate implications of various CFD techniques and turbulence models for aerospace applications,
  • Critically appreciate the post processing of big data in relation to CFD,
  • Understand and implement High Performance Computing (HPC) framework in CFD.

Multivariable Control Systems for Aerospace Applications

Module Leader
  • Professor James Whidborne
    To provide a knowledge of modern control techniques for the analysis and design of multivariable aerospace control systems.

    Multivariable System Analysis

    • Multivariable linear systems theory,
    • System realisations,
    • Controllability, observability and canonical forms,
    • Size of signals and systems.

    Multivariable Control System Design

    • System interconnection and feedback,
    • Optimal linear quadratic control and estimation,
    • Uncertainty and conditions for robustness,
    • H-infinity optimal control.

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  • Analyse the stability, robustness and performance of multivariable aerospace control systems,
  • Design robust and optimal feedback control systems using state variable techniques using MATLAB,
  • Recognise the advantages and limitations of optimal feedback control.

Fundamentals of Rotorcraft Performance, Stability and Control

Module Leader
  • Dr Linghai Lu

    To provide an elementary insight into aerodynamics of hovering flight, vertical flight and forward flight, rotorcraft performance estimation and provide knowledge of trim, stability and control characteristics of helicopters.

    • Momentum Theory and Blade Element Theory,
    • Aerodynamics of Hovering Flight, Vertical Flight and forward flight,
    • Vortex Ring State,
    • Performance estimation in the hover and forward flight,
    • Flight test methods for performance evaluation,
    • Conventional rotorcraft control and stability,
    • Aerodynamics of autorotation,
    • Flow control methods for the blades.
Intended learning outcomes

On completion of this module you will be able to:

  • Analyse the aerodynamics and forces influencing helicopter behaviour: Examine the fundamental aerodynamics of rotor systems and the various forces acting on helicopters, including lift generation, induced flow, and gyroscopic effects,
  • Calculate and assess rotorcraft power requirements: Use mathematical models to estimate and evaluate the power necessary for maintaining hover and sustaining forward flight under different conditions,
  • Evaluate the feasibility of rotorcraft flight profiles: Critically assess typical flight profiles for operational viability, taking into account factors like fuel efficiency, flight duration, and mission objectives,
  • Examine rotorcraft stability and control characteristics: Discuss key aspects of stability and control, including control mechanisms and feedback systems essential for safe flight operations,
  • Implement flow control techniques to optimize blade performance: Explore advanced methods to enhance the aerodynamic efficiency of rotor blades, focusing on the application of flow control techniques and their impact on performance.

Fundamentals of Aircraft System Identification

Module Leader
  • Dr Linghai Lu

    The aim of this module is to provide fundamental insight into analytical methodologies and flight test techniques used for the derivation of linear and nonlinear mathematical models of an aircraft (fixed-wing, rotary-wing and UAVs).

    • Mathematical Background,
    • Basic Systems and Estimation Theory,
    • Regression Methods,
    • Maximum Likelihood Methods,
    • Frequency Domain Method,
    • Flight Test Design and Kinematic Consistency Check,
    • Case ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥.
Intended learning outcomes

On the completion of this module you will be able to:

  • Apply various classical and state-of-art- system identification tools to derive qualified flight dynamic models from flight test data,
  • Plan a flight test sortie to obtain flight test data and conduct data compatibility analysis to create a reliable dataset most suited for system identification,
  • Determine the appropriate structure model and estimate the model parameters validated by suitable approaches,
  • Describe and categorise methods of system and parameter identification based on the desired mathematical model,
  • Apply system identification tool to explore and understand better the nonlinear aerodynamic phenomenon.

Experimental Aerodynamics

Module Leader
  • Dr Anderson Ramos Proenca

    ​This module aims to give you the skills and understanding to assess commonly encountered wind tunnel test requirements and to design appropriate experiments through knowledge of wind tunnel design, measurement techniques and data analysis.

    • Wind tunnel design and layout – subsonic, transonic, supersonic circuit design and test section layouts,
    • Measurements Principles for subsonic and supersonic flows: Force and moment measurements,
    • Intrusive Flow Measurements – Pressure based systems, hot wire anemometry, skin friction and transition detection,
    • Optical Techniques – Particle Image Velocimetry, Laser Doppler Anemometry, Shadowgraph technique, Schlieren, Interferometry,
    • Calculation of wind tunnel speed, interference corrections, lift induced errors and blockage corrections,
    • Data Acquisition and sensor selection,
    • Analysis and post processing of experimental data including considerations and techniques for calculation of experimental errors.

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  • Safely operate the departments low speed teaching wind tunnels to perform basic wind tunnel testing,
  • Analyse and post process recorded wind tunnel data,
  • Evaluate and select appropriate instrumentation and hardware for common wind tunnel test types,
  • Describe the design principles of wind tunnel layouts and components,
  • Propose an experimental design for common test problems.


Aerospace Navigation and Sensors

Module Leader
  • Dr Leonard Felicetti
    The aim of this module is to provide you with an introduction to the principles of aerospace navigation systems based on inertial sensors and satellite navigation and how such data can be blended to provide improved navigation solutions (typically using a Kalman filter).

    Overview of navigation principles, typical applications; axis systems and projections,

    Inertial Navigation Systems:

    • Principles of inertial navigation; Sensors: accelerometers, gyroscopes, specific technologies such as Fibre Optic Gyros; Axis transformations and mechanisation of IN equations; Errors in inertial navigation, Schuler loop tuning, INS modelling & aiding


    • Development history of GNSS and current systems worldwide (GPS, Galileo, etc.), system architecture (ground, space, user segments); measurement principles; error sources (natural, other); Augmentation: differential GPS (local, wide area), other sensors (e.g. INS); Applications / issues: user groups (aviation, space), integrity (RAIM), accuracy, reliability

    Random Signals and Random Processes,

    Measurement in noise (including aspects of instrumentation),

    Error Analysis,

    Discrete Kalman Filter, including the Extended KF,

    General approaches to data fusion.

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  • Evaluate designs of navigation systems based on an understanding of inertial and satellite navigation in aerospace,
  • Assess performance limitations of navigation systems due to the typical error sources of individual sensors and of the complete system,
  • Explain the principles of data acquisition systems and design a basic system,
  • Design and implement a simple Kalman filter to process measurements and estimate position, velocity, etc,
  • Appreciate the design methods using to integrate aerospace navigation systems.

Teaching team

You will be taught by ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥'s leading experts with many years' industrial experience. Teaching is supplemented by contributions from industry and other outside organisations which reinforce the applied nature of the modules. Previous contributors have included Professor Allan Bocci, Aircraft Research Association (ARA) and Trevor Birch, Defence Science Technology Laboratory (DSTL). The Course Director for this programme is Professor Simon Prince.


The Aerospace Dynamics MSc is accredited by the on behalf of the Engineering Council as meeting the requirements for further learning for registration as a Chartered Engineer (CEng). Candidates must hold a CEng accredited BEng/BSc (Hons) undergraduate first degree to show that they have satisfied the educational base for CEng registration. Please note accreditation applies to the MSc award and PgCert does not meet in full the further learning requirements for registration as a Chartered Engineer.

Your career

Industry-driven research makes our graduates some of the most desirable in the world for recruitment in a wide range of career paths within the aerospace and military sector. A successful graduate should be able to integrate immediately into an industrial or research environment and make an immediate contribution to the group without further training. Increasingly, these skills are in demand in other areas including automotive, environmental, energy and medicine.

Recent graduates have found positions in the aerospace, automotive and related sectors, taking roles such as:

Advanced Simulation Engineer,
Aerodynamics Engineer,
Aerospace Engineer,
Air Vehicle Design Engineer,
Aircraft Performance Engineer,
Flight Control Engineer,
Flight Test Engineer,
Lead Flow Analyst,
Mechanical Design Engineer,
Senior Aerodynamicist,
Wind Tunnel engineer.


Employers include:

BAE Systems,
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR),
Defence, Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl),
Rolls-Royce plc,
Selex ES,
Jaguar Land Rover,
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC),
Triumph Motorcycles.


A significant number of graduates go on to do research and higher degrees.

³ÉÈËÖ±²¥’s Career Service is dedicated to helping you meet your career aspirations. You will have access to career coaching and advice, CV development, interview practice, access to hundreds of available jobs via our Symplicity platform and opportunities to meet recruiting employers at our careers fairs. Our strong reputation and links with potential employers provide you with outstanding opportunities to secure interesting jobs and develop successful careers. Support continues after graduation and as a ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ alumnus, you have free life-long access to a range of career resources to help you continue your education and enhance your career.


Part-time route

We welcome students looking to enhance their career prospects whilst continuing in full-time employment. The part-time study option that we offer is designed to provide a manageable balance that allows you to continue employment with minimal disruption whilst also benefiting from the full breadth of learning opportunities and facilities available to all students. The University is very well located for visiting part-time students from all over the world and offers a range of library and support facilities to support your studies.

As a part-time student you will be required to attend teaching on campus in one-week blocks, for a total of 10 blocks (2 of which are for the compulsory group flight test project) over the 2-3 year period that you are with us.  Teaching blocks are typically run during the period from October to March, followed by independent study and project work where contact with your supervisors and cohort can take place in person or online

We believe that this setup allows you to personally and professionally manage your time between work, study and family commitments, whilst also working towards achieving a Master's degree.

How to apply

Click on the ‘Apply now’ button below to start your online application.

See our Application guide for information on our application process and entry requirements.

I chose to study at ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ as it is renowned in within the aeronautics industry. A highlight from my time at ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ would be using the different facilities available.