Meet Chris Ashton, CEO and Managing Director at Worley and recipient of ֱ School of Management’s 2023 Distinguished Alumni Award.
“It’s been more than 25 years since I studied for my MBA at ֱ, but the experience built a toolkit I use to this day,” says Chris Ashton, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director at Worley and recipient of ֱ School of Management’s 2023 Distinguished Alumni Award.
“Strategy, finance, marketing, operations, and so much more – I don’t think there’s one part of the programme from which I’ve not drawn some benefit in my career.”
Chris completed his ֱ MBA in 1996 and joined Worley, a global provider of professional project and asset services in the energy, chemicals and resources sectors, in 1998. He has held various leadership roles across the company as it evolved through acquisition and organic growth. Prior to his appointment as CEO and Managing Director in February 2020, Chris acted as Chief Operating Officer responsible for the integration of the ECR business and setting the strategy for Worley’s successful transformation.
“I have so many good memories of my time at ֱ,” he remembers. “I particularly valued the comradery which was built throughout the year; those enduring friendships made such a difference. We had so much fun while learning and developing on so many levels.”
Citing lectures by Emeritus Professor David Myddelton and Professor Cliff Bowman as being particularly etched in his memory, Chris recalls having timed case studies issued on a Friday afternoon which had to be submitted by 6pm the following Sunday.
“Submissions were time-stamped at the guard house, with points deducted if you submitted late,” he remembers. “It was a great way to experience real-world deadline pressures.”
Now based in the US, Chris is leading the acceleration of the company’s transformation strategy – putting passion, skills and strongly held beliefs at the centre of some of the biggest challenges on the planet supported by Worley’s purpose of delivering a more sustainable world.
Asked what advice he would give to a ֱ student looking to follow in his footsteps, he said: “The sectors I lead today are facing a level of change unprecedented in history. One thing you need to develop is a deep understanding of leading with agility. With the pace of change the world faces, the uncertainty and volatility are only increasing. Much is thrown at you as a leader, similar to the learning experience of ֱ.”
Reflecting on his alumni award win, he said: “My work journey began over 40 years ago. These years have passed by more quickly than I can comprehend. I am blessed to have been influenced, shaped, led, supported – and I dare say, cajoled – by many incredible people to whom I’m grateful. In their own way, they all helped me get to where I am and become who I am today.
“To be recognised with this award came as a complete surprise. It’s an honour to be considered and recognition of all those who’ve been part of my journey. A big thanks to them all.”