Professor Emma Parry, Professor of Human Resource Management, 成人直播 School of Management chaired a panel with David Stone (Business Growth and Development Programme 2011) Chief Executive of MRL Consulting Group and Perry Timms, Founder, Chief Energy Officer, People and Transformational HR Ltd discussing "Is it time to consider a four-day work week?" in the online webinar on Tuesday 26 April 2022. In this webinar the panel focused on the pros and cons of a four-day work week and how they have implemented a four-day work week in their work place.
Hear more from the panel
If you are interested in 成人直播 research, you can read more articles by in CERES, the university repository.
A filmed .
A with Perry Timms.
Here are a few examples of full-text articles in our databases.
EBSCO Business Source
Quiroz-Gutierrez, M. (2021). The Four-Day Workweek. Fortune, 184(1), 24.
Nicola, S., Look, C., & Neumann, J. (2021). Send This Story to Your Boss. Bloomberg Businessweek, 4691, 42–43.
Thompson, P. N. (2021). Does a Day Lost Equal Dollars Saved? The Effects of Four-Day School Weeks on School District Expenditures. National Tax Journal, 74(1), 147–183.
Cuadra, D. (2021). SHUTTING DOWN: The case for a 4-day workweek: Charlotte Lockhart, CEO of 4 Day Week Global, shares why it’s time to trim the workweek. Employee Benefit News, 35(6).
Martens, J., & Pronina, L. (2022). Belgians Can Work 4-Day Week as Full-Time Staff in New Deal. Bloomberg.Com, 1.
ABI Inform
Voglino, G., Savatteri, A., Gualano, M. R., Catozzi, D., Rousset, S., Boietti, E., Fabrizio, B., & Siliquini, R. (2022). How the reduction of working hours could influence health outcomes: a systematic review of published studies. BMJ Open, 12(4)
Paje, R. C., Escobar, P. B. A., Ruaya, A. M. R., & Sulit, P. A. F. (2020). The Impact of Compressed Workweek Arrangements on Job Stress, Work-Life Balance, and Work Productivity of Rank-and-File Employees from Different Industries in Metro Manila. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1529(3).
Davidescu, A. A., Apostu, S., Paul, A., & Casuneanu, I. (2020). Work Flexibility, Job Satisfaction, and Job Performance among Romanian Employees—Implications for Sustainable Human Resource Management. Sustainability, 12(15), 6086.
In Emerald
Delaney, H. and Casey, C. (2022). The promise of a four-day week? A critical appraisal of a management-led initiative. Employee Relations, 44(1), 176-190.
Ashton, J. R. (2019). The public health case for the four-day working week. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 112(2), 81–82.
Chakraborty, D., Bhatnagar, S. B., Biswas, W., & Dash, G. (2022). The Subtle Art of Effecting a Four-day Workweek to Drive Performance. Management and Labour Studies.
Fyson, R. (2021). Book Review: The Case for a Four Day Week by Anna Coote, Aidan Harper and Alfie Stirling. Critical Social Policy, 41(4), 663–665.
Open access articles
Don’t forget there are many articles published open access so anyone can read them online. Here are a few examples of articles on a shorter work week.
Chung, H. (2022). A Social Policy Case for a Four-Day Week. Journal of Social Policy, 1-16.
Coote, A., Harper, A., & Stirling, A. (2021). The case for a four-day week. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Swift, M. (2020). Transitioning Towards a Four Day Working Week: Evidence Review and Insights From Praxis.
Calvert Jump, R., & Stronge, W. (2020). The day after tomorrow: stress tests, affordability and the roadmap to the four day week.
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