The majority of our communications are now digital-only; however, we have a large number of alumni for who we no longer have a valid email address which means they are missing out on a whole range of alumni benefits and services.

When you provide us with your email address, you’re not only helping us be more sustainable, but you’ll be able to make your voice heard in our alumni survey this autumn.

Invites to the alumni survey will be an email with a unique link, rather than an open generic link, which means that if you want to share your thoughts on your ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ alumni experience, we need your email address.

Don’t miss out – update your contact details by 31 August to participate in the survey

Reconnect with ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥:

Plus, by connecting digitally you’ll receive news of networking and events, lifelong learning opportunities, and much more. Keeping in touch helps you showcase your expertise and share knowledge, get involved in volunteering, and makes you findable by other alumni in similar fields, or who have related interests, through the Alumni directory. It also provides an easy way for classmates with whom you’ve lost contact to reach out again.

Many of our graduates have told us that some of their most useful contacts have come from their alumni network. Not only does it give them a shared history but it’s also a great excuse to connect with other interesting and accomplished people. These connections can be very powerful – meeting fellow alumni at events can lead to career and business opportunities, as well as forge lifelong friendships.

Don’t miss out – by 31 August then look out for the survey in your inbox in September.


P.S. If you know anyone who is not receiving emails from ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ and would like to, please encourage them to update their email address by visiting .