Going forward into a new year with the ongoing uncertainties around COVID-19 and hybrid working, we thought it would be timely to look at the importance of personal resilience in the workplace.
Here are just some examples of recent academic articles you can read through your Alumni Library Online service, on aspects of workplace resilience across a range of different professions.
Whitfield, K. M., & Wilby, K. J. (2021). Developing Grit, Motivation, and Resilience: To Give Up on Giving In. Pharmacy, 9(2), 109.
Gomes, S. (2021). The Role of Resilience in Reducing Burnout: A 成人直播 with Healthcare Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Social Sciences, 10(9), 317.
Fu, L., & Cao, L. (2021). Linking Employee Resilience with Organizational Resilience: The Roles of Coping Mechanism and Managerial Resilience. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 14, 1063-1075.
Georgia, L. F., Giorgi, G., Lulli, L. G., Pandolfi, C., Foti, G., León-Perez, J.,M., Cantero-Sánchez, F.,J., & Mucci, N. (2021). Resilience, Coping Strategies and Posttraumatic Growth in the Workplace Following COVID-19: A Narrative Review on the Positive Aspects of Trauma. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(18), 9453.
Examining the Predictors of Resilience and Work Engagement during the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2021). Sustainability, 13(5), 2902.
Zaman, U., Florez-Perez, L., Farías, P., Abbasi, S., Muddasar, G. K., & Tri, I. W. (2021). Shadow of Your Former Self: Exploring Project Leaders’ Post-Failure Behaviors (Resilience, Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy) in High-Tech Startup Projects. Sustainability, 13(22), 12868.
Sefidan, S., Pramstaller, M., Marca, R. L., Wyss, T., Sadeghi-Bahmani, D., Annen, H., & Brand, S. (2021). Resilience as a Protective Factor in Basic Military Training, a Longitudinal 成人直播 of the Swiss Armed Forces. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(11), 6077.
Ebsco Business Source Alumni
Mcgirt, E. (2018). Grit is the new MBA. Fortune, 177(2), 54–62.
Mulqueen, C., & Burjek, A. (2018). Changing How People Feel about Change. Chief Learning Officer, 17(1), 40–43.
Rice, V., & Liu, B. (2016). Personal resilience and coping with implications for work. Part I: A review. Work, 54(2), 325–333.
Emerald Journals
Li, J., & Tong, Y. (2021). Does narcissistic leadership enhance employee resilience? A moderated mediation model of goal-directed energy and psychological availability. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 42(5), 819-836.
Yela Aránega, A., Castaño Sánchez, R., & Fernández-Vázquez, J.S. (2021). Resilience and stress management in high-performing teams in the agricultural sector. British Food Journal, ahead-of-print.
Howard, C.S., & Irving, J.A. (2021). A cross-cultural study of the role of obstacles on resilience in leadership formation. Management Research Review, 44(4), 533-546.
Conway, R.R. & Waring, S. (2021). Facilitators and barriers to developing firefighter resilience. Disaster Prevention and Management, 30(3), 327-339.
Lazaridou, A. (2021). Personality and resilience characteristics of preschool principals: an iterative study. International Journal of Educational Management, 35(1), 29-46.
Scrimpshire, A., & Lensges, M. (2021). Fear after being fired: the moderating role of resilience in lessening the time between employment. Personnel Review, Ahead-of-print.
Sok, K.M., Sok, P., Tsarenko, Y., & Widjaja, J.T. (2021). How and when frontline employees’ resilience drives service-sales ambidexterity: the role of cognitive flexibility and leadership humility. European Journal of Marketing, 55(11), 2965-2987.
Sage Journals
Richard, E. M. (2020). Developing Employee Resilience: The Role of Leader-Facilitated Emotion Management. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 22(4), 387–403.
Eliot, J. L. (2020). Resilient Leadership: The Impact of a Servant Leader on the Resilience of their Followers. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 22(4), 404–418.
Morse, J. M., Kent-Marvick, J., Barry, L. A., Harvey, J., Okang, E. N., Rudd, E. A., Wang, C.-Y., & Williams, M. R. (2021). Developing the Resilience Framework for Nursing and Healthcare. Global Qualitative Nursing Research.
Bal, M., Kordowicz, M., & Brookes, A. (2020). A Workplace Dignity Perspective on Resilience: Moving Beyond Individualized Instrumentalization to Dignified Resilience. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 22(4), 453–466.
Bardoel, E. A., & Drago, R. (2021). Acceptance and Strategic Resilience: An Application of Conservation of Resources Theory. Group & Organization Management, 46(4), 657–691.
Plimmer, G., Berman, E. M., Malinen, S., Franken, E., Naswall, K., Kuntz, J., & Löfgren, K. (2021). Resilience in Public Sector Managers. Review of Public Personnel Administration.
Open access articles in ScienceDirect from Elsevier
Although Elsevier do not generally permit alumni access to ScienceDirect material, don’t forget there are many articles available via open access (the author has paid to allow their article to be publicly available without subscription).
Here are a few examples of articles on personal resilience:
Kural, A., & Kovacs, M. (2021). Attachment anxiety and resilience: The mediating role of coping. Acta Psychologica, 221(103447).
Alameddine, M., Bou-Karroum, K., Ghalayini, W., & Abiad, F. (2021). Resilience of nurses at the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic in Lebanon. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 8(4), 432-438.
Yada, A., Björn, P.M., Savolainen, P., Kyttälä, M., Aro, M., & Savolainen, H. (2021). Pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy in implementing inclusive practices and resilience in Finland. Teaching and Teacher Education, 105(103398).
Siddiqui, S. (2021). Building organizational and individual resilience in times of moral distress. Journal of Critical Care, Ahead-of-print.
Byers, O.M., Fitzpatrick, J.J., McDonald, P.E., & Nelson, G.C. (2021). Giving while grieving: Racism-related stress and psychological resilience in Black/African American registered nurses. Nursing Outlook, Ahead-of-print.
Useful websites
For more practical advice on building personal resilience at work, please check out these sources:
(Harvard Business Review)
(FutureLearn course from Deakin University)
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