On 18 March Stephen Carver, Senior Lecturer in Project & Programme Management Action, Execution and Implementation, ֱ School of Management, presented a webinar entitled “Watch this space”. If you couldn't make it to the live webinar, you can

The two richest businessmen on the planet are locked into a battle to exploit one of the fastest growing industries on planet earth. Interestingly it is one of the least known industries and it’s not actually on the planet but several miles above it – that industry is Space. The session looked at how this sector will impact all our lives - not in the next 10 years’ time, but in the next 10 months.

If you would like to know more about the topics that were covered, here’s how you can use your free Alumni Library Online (ALO) service to keep you informed.

Here are just a few examples of the sort of articles you can through the ALO databases:

In ABI/Inform

Jaehnichen, T. (2020). The dynamics of economic action and the problems of its social embedding – ethical challenges in view of the nascent commercial use of outer space. Hervormde Teologiese Studies, 76(1).

Chaben, J. B. (2020). Extending Humanity’s reach: A public-private framework for space exploration. Journal of Strategic Security, 13(3), 75-98.

Martinez, L. F. (2019). Legal regime sustainability in outer space: Theory and practice. Global Sustainability, 2.

Bohlmann, U. M., & Petrovici, G. (2019). Developing planetary sustainability: Legal challenges of space 4.0. Global Sustainability, 2.

In EBSCO Business Source

Wooten, Joel O., Tang, Christopher S., (2018). Operations in Space: Exploring a New Industry. Decision Sciences, 49(6), 999-1023.

Kluger, J. (2019). Inside the New Race to the Moon. TIME Magazine, 194(4), 24–36.

Weinzierl, M. (2018). Space, the final economic frontier. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 32(2), 173-192.


Golkar A. and Salado A. (2021), Definition of New Space—Expert Survey Results and Key Technology Trends, IEEE Journal on Miniaturization for Air and Space Systems, 2(1), 2-9.

Open Access articles in ScienceDirect from Elsevier

Although Elsevier do not generally permit alumni access to ScienceDirect material, don’t forget there are many articles available via open access (the author has paid to allow their article to be publicly available without subscription).

Here are some examples of open access articles in this subject area with direct links to the full text:

Theodore J. Muelhaupt, Marlon E. Sorge, Jamie Morin, Robert S. Wilson. (2019). , Journal of Space Safety Engineering, 6(2) 80-87.

Gil Denis, Didier Alary, Xavier Pasco, Nathalie Pisot, Delphine Texier, Sandrine Toulza. (2020) , Acta Astronautica, Vol 166, 431-443.

Other relevant articles and resources on this topic

(Harvard Business Review)


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