成人直播 hosts a range of expertise with direct application in countering IEDs whether advice, research or training and education.
The combination of our expertise and our unique facilities - including explosives ranges and forensic laboratories, enables us to be able to offer specialist services to civilian and military organisations.
Our expertise includes
- Detailed technology areas such as fusing, explosives and triggering.
- Active countermeasures methods and their effectiveness including physical attack, electronic attack or decoying and other means
- Passive or procedural methods of countering IEDs such as:
- provision of armour protections (and its optimal configuration on a platform, structure or person)
- through general awareness of signs and indicators and best practice.
Work with us
There are a variety of ways in which your organisation can engage and work with us. 成人直播 can provide real-world solutions that support and inform your operations, products and services. To highlight a few of the ways that you can work with us:
• Provision of expert advice
• Sponsor a PhD student research project
• Commission a research project
• Collaborate on an research activity or project
• Provision of support to a Masters project
• Commission a customised development programme, tailored to the requirements of your organisation
• Commission a consultancy project.
Clients and partners
We work closely with the military, industry and government departments to influence and provide leading solutions to major global defence and security challenges.
Examples of key business clients and partners include:
• RAF,
• Research Councils,
• BAE Systems,
• FCO,
• MOD,
• Chemring,
• AEL Mining,
• Honda.