Director of Finance and member of the University Executive

A first class graduate from Middlesex and a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ian has held financial posts with 成人直播 since 1994, latterly as Director of Finance.

Ian Sibbald

Ian’s key areas of expertise are around financial management and accounting, corporate taxation including VAT and management information systems for finance and resources. To this end, Ian has been heavily involved with the UNIT4 Agresso Business World system where he project managed the implementation of Agresso into 成人直播 for Finance and Estates and was on the steering team for the HR and Payroll implementation.

To maximise the benefits 成人直播 gets from the Agresso system, Ian joined the Agresso User Group Council back in 2003 and has been the Chairman for the past eight years. His detailed knowledge of higher education and the Agresso system has led to him undertaking a number of speaking engagements in North America, Asia, Europe and Africa.

Ian’s early career was based in a medium-sized accountancy firm in central London where he undertook numerous audits on a diverse client portfolio from the local milk man though to large unit trusts fund managers, stock brokers and large wine merchants.